- Select Listing from Home, Discovery or Wishlist
- Press on the Claim button
- Fill in the form
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone
- Account email
- Motivation for the Claim
- Submit
- Admin will Approve the Claim
- Payment will be Due
- Payment Method to be selected
- Accept T's and C's
- Payment to be made
- Admin to Approve that the Payment has been done, and therefore set the status to Completed
- Listing will be added to customers Listings [Account Summary]
- Select Wishlist from the Navigation Bar
- You will be redirected to a table of saved "wished-listed" listings
- Pressing on the three dots will open a popup menu
- Booking [Clipboard with clock Icon]
- Starts the Booking Workflow Process
- Remove [Trash Icon]
- Share [Share Icon - Gives a popup with various Sharing Options]
- Trash Icon at the top will delete all the listings